English |
Spanish |
ha | ja |
habit | Hábito, costumbre |
habitat | hábitat |
hair | pelo |
half | mitad |
halfway | A medio camino, a medias |
hall | Salón, recibidor |
hallway | vestíbulo |
hand | mano |
handful | puñado |
handle | Mango, manejar |
handsome | Guapo (hombre) |
hang | colgar |
happen | Suceder |
happily | felizmente |
happiness | felicidad |
happy | feliz |
harassment | Acoso, molestia repetida |
hard | Duro, difícil |
hardly | Apenas, difícilmente |
hardware | Hardware(lit: mercancías duras) |
harm | lastimas |
harmony | armonía |
harsh | Duro, severo |
harvest | cosechar |
hat | sombrero |
hate | odiar |
haul | Tirar, acarrear |
have | tener |
hay | heno |
hazard | Peligro, riesgo |
he | él |
head | cabeza |
headache | Jaqueca, dolor de cabeza |
headline | titular |
headquarters | Oficina central |
heal | Curar, curarse |
health | Salud |
health-care | Asistencia médica |
healthy | saludable |
hear | Oír |
hearing | Oído, auditivo |
heart | Corazón |
heat | Calor, calentar |
heaven | cielo |
heavily | Pesadamente, mucho |
heavy | pesado |
heel | Talón, taco |
height | altura |
helicopter | helicóptero |
hell | infierno |
hello | hola |
helmet | casco |
help | ayudar |
helpful | útil |
hence | Por lo tanto, por eso |
her | su |
herb | Hierba, condimento |
here | Aquí, acá |
heritage | herencia |
hero | héroe |
hers | suyo |
herself | Se, ella misma |
hesitate | dudar |
hey | hola |
hi | hola |
hidden | escondido |
hide | Ocultar, esconder; piel |
high | alto |
highlight | resaltar |
highly | extremadamente |
high-tech | Alta tecnología |
highway | autovía |
hike | Caminata (área alta), excursión |
hill | Colina, montaña |
him | Él; lo, le |
himself | él mismo, se |
hint | pista |
hip | cadera |
hire | contratar |
his | Su, suyo |
Hispanic | hispánico |
historian | historiador |
historic | histórico |
historical | histórico |
historically | históricamente |
history | Historia |
hit | Golpear |
hockey | hockey |
hold | Contener, mantener |
hole | agujero |
holiday | vacaciones |
holy | Sagrado, santo |
home | Hogar, casa |
homeland | Patria, país natal |
homeless | vagabundo |
homework | Deberes, tarea |
honest | sincero |
honestly | honestamente |
honey | Miel; cariño |
honor | honradez |
hook | Gancho; anzuelo |
hope | esperanza |
hopefully | Con suerte |
horizon | horizonte |
hormone | hormona |
horn | Cuerno; claxon |
horrible | horrible |
horror | horror |
horse | caballo |
hospital | hospital |
host | Anfitrión, presentador |
hostage | rehén |
hostile | hostil |
hot | caliente |
hotel | hotel |
hour | Hora |
house | casa |
household | familiar |
how | cómo |
however | Sin embargo; de todos modos; como |
hug | Abrazar, abrazo |
huge | enorme |
huh | Eh? |
human | humano |
humanity | humanidad |
humor | humor |
hundred | cien |
hunger | hambre |
hungry | hambriento |
hunt | cazar |
hunter | cazador |
hunting | caza |
hurricane | huracán |
hurry | apurarse |
hurt | lastimar |
husband | esposo |
hypothesis | Hipótesis |
English to Spanish : words beginning with H
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