English Spanish gain Ganar, aumentar, obtener galaxy galaxia gallery galería game Juego gang pandilla gap Hueco, espacio, intervalo garage Garaje, cochera garbage basura garden Jardín garlic ajo gas gas gasoline …
English Spanish fabric fabrica face cara facilitate facilitar facility instalación fact Hecho, realidad factor factor factory fábrica faculty facultad fade Desteñir (color), desvanecerse fail Fracasar, fallar, error failure Fracaso, quiebra …
English Spain each Cada, cada uno eager entusiasta ear oreja early temprano earn ganar earnings ingresos earth Tierra, suelo earthquake terremoto ease facilidad easily fácilmente east este eastern Oriental, del …
English Spanish dad papá daily Diario, cotidiano, diariamente dam Presa, dique damage daño damn Maldita, maldición dance bailar dancer bailarín dancing baile danger peligro dangerous ˈdeɪndʒrəs(dein-yeres)peligroso dare atreverse dark oscuro …
English Spanish cab cabina cabin cabina cabinet Gabinete, armario cable cable cage jaula cake torta calculate calcular calculation cálculo calendar calendario call llamar calm Calmado, calmar camera camára camp campamento …
English Spanish baby bebé back espalda background Fondo, al fondo; experiencia backyard Patio trasero bacteria bacteria bad Malo; defectuoso badly Gravemente, mal bag Bolsa, maleta bake Hornear, cocer en el …
English Spanish a a, un, una, un tal, una tal ability Habilidad able Capaz, poder abortion aborto about Acerca de, sobre, alrededor de above Por encima de, sobre; antes abroad …
Another basic topic t hat is useful to learn in any language is food Here are a list of food related words in french with their english equivalents Fruits French …
Colors In German? Many of the German colors are very similar in pronunciation to their English language counterparts, making them easy to learn and remember. This makes this a nice …
German Questions Learning the basics of questions in German which are displayed below are vital to the language. Usually a question will start with why, how, where, when … Here …