Guide To Colors In German
Colors In German? Many of the German colors are very similar in pronunciation to their English language counterparts, making them easy to learn and remember. This makes this a nice…
Colors In German? Many of the German colors are very similar in pronunciation to their English language counterparts, making them easy to learn and remember. This makes this a nice…
German Questions Learning the basics of questions in German which are displayed below are vital to the language. Usually a question will start with why, how, where, when … Here…
Much like the English alphabet, German has 26 standard letters. However, the German alphabet contains one additional character and umlauted forms of three vowels. Lets look at these now German alphabet…
German numbers 1 to 10 Numeral German number Pronunciation 1 eins ainzh 2 zwei tsvai 3 drei drai 4 vier feer 5 fünf foonf 6 sechs zehks 7 sieben ZEE-ben…
Months of the Year French Pronunciation Month janvier jahn-veeay January février fay-vreeay February mars mahrs March avril ah-vreel April mai may May juin jwehn June juillet jwee-ay July aoà»t…
One of the most basic things to learn in any language is the numbers. Lets go from 1 to 100 in French looking at some of the subtleties and gotchas…